Environments for Aging Conference + Expo

April 26-29, 2025 • Lexington (KY)  • USA

Environments for Aging Conference + Expo offers solutions and senior-friendly design ideas for creating living environments that meet the growing needs of an aging population.

During the event, participants can take advantage of numerous networking opportunities with other professionals in the field, as well as explore the latest trends and best practices for creating senior-friendly environments for residential and long-term care facilities.

Exhibitors at Environments for Aging Conference + Expo have the opportunity to meet with a highly specialized audience of industry professionals, over 90% of whom have decision-making or consulting power regarding purchasing choices.

In addition to the exhibition, Environments for Aging Conference + Expo offers an extensive conference program designed to provide participants with the latest research results and case studies on interior design specifically for seniors. The focus of the conferences is particularly on how to best address dementia care or memory loss, and how the latest technologies and pleasant, welcoming design environments can help improve health outcomes for the aging population.

As part of the Italian Contract 4HD initiative, Lanari Associates organizes the participation of Italian companies at Environments for Aging Conference + Expo. With IC4HD, companies have the opportunity to exhibit in highly visible spaces, enjoy the benefits of a comprehensive dedicated online and offline promotional program, participate in collateral activities aimed at maximizing the return on investment, and, of course, receive assistance in the preparation and organization of the event.

For more information on prices, exhibition methods, and confirmation timelines, contact us by writing to contract@lanariassociates.com, calling 02 36596030, or filling out the form below:

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